Items that are not found in ItsDeductible

If you have an item that has one or more of the following characteristics, you should enter a custom item donation to record its value.

Characteristics of item generally not found in ItsDeductible Software Examples of items with this characteristic
Perishable, consumable or disposable Kleenex
Disposable diapers
Antique, collectible, or any other item that may require an appraisal Jewelry
Collectible toys
Custom or handmade Cross stitch items
Industrial, commercial, or professional Commercial floor buffer
Industrial lawn mower
Professional saxophone
Any item valued at $5000 or more Yacht

Note: ItsDeductible does not provide values for new items. If you have donated a new item, you may be able to take a money deduction as an out of pocket expense or you could enter the item as a custom item for a noncash item deduction.